Our ministry ranges from our neighborhood, to our community, to the front range of Colorado, and even throughout the world. You can help partner with us in our various ministries.

  • river with snow-capped mountain range in background

    Local Ministry

    Support the various local efforts we make here in Estes Park. We support a full-time preacher, the building needs, and various benevolence requests throughout the year. We also use our resources to reach into the community in different ways by letting local organizations use the building, developing relationships through a weekly newspaper article, and other opportunities, as the Lord opens doors.

  • Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park with Snow-Capped Mountains in background

    Regional Ministry

    Being blessed to live in such a beautiful community, we try to share these blessings with our local brethren in the region. We host small events for Christians to join us from our 4th of July BBQ, to regional singing, to other opportunities. We invite the regional congregations and the Mountain States Children's Home families to "get away" and enjoy part of God's creation with us. We also partner with other congregations to help support the Mountain States Children's Home in various fundraising efforts.

  • Snowy peaks in Rocky Mountain National Park

    Preaching Ministry

    We have partnered with several young men who aspire to preach and teach God's word over the past ten years. This ministry has taken shape as various types of internships, studies, and even financial support to those who pursue further former education in preparation to teach God's people.

  • Mountain range with snowy fog settling on the trees

    Worldwide Ministry

    The most noticeable ministry might just be what brings most of our visitors through the doors on any given Sunday morning: tourism to Estes Park. We love to host our brethren from all around the United States (and even the world!), as they come to explore the Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, and the surrounding beauty. We get the chance to meet, encourage, minister to, and be encouraged by brethren from Texas, Massachusetts, Alaska, Florida, Mexico, Europe, Asia, and everywhere in-between.



When you partner with us, you are helping join these ministry efforts as we strive to build relationships, encourage, and most of all, bring more souls into God's eternal kingdom.

Your donation will be used to support the preacher, the building, evangelism, education, and other ministries.